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Plumber Croydon, 28 Frith Rd, Croydon CR0 1TA, UK

Employment Skills Croydon

Croydon residents can improve their career prospects with employment skills courses and workshops. These courses help jobseekers gain the skills they will need in the workplace. Employment skills Croydon courses are a great way to enhance a CV because they show that you have taken the initiative. Croydon is a great place to live and work, and there are some fantastic career opportunities for the right candidates.

Croydon Plumbing has created this guide so they can help locals in Croydon to gain meaningful employment.

Developing Your Employment Skills Croydon

Croydon has lots of centres for adult education and as a result, it is a great place to gain new employment skills. Some courses are free to attend while others charge per session, or for the entire course. There are more than 500 employment skills Croydon courses available during 2018.

Croydon Adult Learning and Training

CALAT is a great place to start if you want to learn new workplace skills. The organisation helps adults with learning difficulties, people who missed out on a traditional education, and also people who are unemployed. Free English and Maths courses are available. There are also English courses for non-English speakers who work in the UK.

CALAT also offers classrooms and studios for hire. Local businesses can use these resources to train their workers. Learners can get further information from CALAT on funding options. There are grants and bursaries, in addition to student loans, which can help adult learners access sources.

The CALAT website has more information for adult learners so you should check it out today.

You could also call the service on 020 8726 7777.

Computer Courses in Croydon

Most jobs require staff to have some level of computer literacy. If you are able to use a computer, you have a valuable employment skill. IT skills look great on CVs because they show that you won’t need extensive training. If you live in Croydon and want to improve your computer knowledge, sign up for a Computing for Work summer short course.

The courses are held at the CALAT Centre on Katharine Street, Croydon. In addition to the classes, there is an information session held at the Clocktower Centre in Central Croydon. There are four levels of accreditation so you can select a course that suits your existing knowledge. You could also work through all of the levels.

The courses available are:

  • Beginners – Going Digital
  • Beginners/Moving On – Using Digital Skills
  • Intermediate – Level 1 OCR iTQ with Employability Skills
  • Advanced – Level 2 OCR iTQ with Employability Skills

Learn to Cook With the Cordon Vert School

Learners who want to work in the culinary industry can gain valuable employment skills Croydon at the Cordon Vert School. This specialist teaching establishment focuses on vegetarian cuisine. It is suitable for cooks from all walks of life. The Catering for Vegetarians course is a great place to start because it equips the student with essential knowledge. There are Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications. In addition to these, the school holds regular one day workshops for budding chefs.

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